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Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant

Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant
Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant
Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant0
Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant01
Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant02
» Location Tainan
» Type Grid-Tie
» Capacity 85712.4 kWp
» Completed 2022
Optimizing the Fishery and Solar Power Symbiosis Model for Sustainable Marine Resource Management
Taiwan’s thriving aquaculture industry presents an opportunity to integrate fisheries with electricity generation by transforming aquaculture into a symbiotic fishery–photovoltaic structure that provides stable, clean energy with potential economic benefits. Fishery–electricity symbiosis is a mutually beneficial integration of aquaculture and photovoltaics.

Jhih-Guang phase 1 project (Qigu Jhih Guang solar farm / Sin Jhih Guang Fishery and Electricity Symbiosis Solar Power Plant)located in Qigu District, Tainan, which is an 85MW fishery-electricity symbiosis project with an approximate land area of 114 hectares. As Taiwan's first landmark fishery-electricity symbiosis project, HENGs successfully achieved a win-win situation with multiple land uses. We're not only focused on the engineering development, construction, and operation of renewable energy, but also make efforts in the aquaculture field to improve the aquaculture environment, equip- ment, and technology for existing aquaculture farmers, working hand in hand to achieve the green energy goals of fishery-electricity symbiosis.

Through detailed explanations provided by HENGS on the project, as well as personal testimonies from fish farmers, everyone was able to further understand how aquaculture production and solar power can coexist and thrive. Some of the aquaculture ponds already have grouper swimming in the water, and the annual production is expected to reach 6.5 tons.

Sources of information:Hengs Technology Corp. Ltd.