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Company Information
Information of Hengs's stock price
Basic Registration Data
Company Name in Chinese 聚恆科技股份有限公司
Company Name in English HENGS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
Chairman 周恒豪
Business Address in Chinese 臺南市永康區永科環路168號
Business Address in English No.168, Yongkehuan Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan
stock symbol 4582
Primary Business Solar Developer / EPC Service Provider Integration and operation/maintenance of solar photovoltaic systems, energy technology services, and components related to renewable energy.
Date of company established 87/4/16
Initial Public Offerings 108/9/30
Paid-in capital NT$666,000,000
Tel 06-2022202
Fax 06-2012520
Agent for stock affairs President Securities Corporation
Certified Public Accountant PwC Taiwan